Today we are showing how to troubleshoot Mail Monitor.

It may happen Mail Monitor doesn't recognize some jobs classify them like "missing".

The reasons can be various:

- the email doesn't arrive at Mail Monitor Server;

- the job is not configured correctly.

Backup Manager has some functions for analyzing the emails delivered to Mail Monitor.

Go to Backup Manager in the "Mail Monitor" - "Mail" section, see the "Inbox" and "Preprocessed" section in search of the mail you just sent (typically in Inbox).

Inbox Preprocessed Discarded Folders

Why 3 Email folders?

The email flow analisys is in 3 phases:

- Inbox: the e-mails arrive to Mail Monitor. The emails remain in this folder until the preprocessing time;
- Preprocessing: this phase periodically recognizes the failed jobs and sends them to the email set in the Device configuration. This function is very useful in case of problems with the backup, it allows a faster display (and maybe an indication to solve problems) without to wait for the daily report.
- Discarded: in this folder are collected the emails that have different information compared to the configured jobs. Emails remain 5 days.

The correctly recognized emails are archived and are available via the web

Interpretation of email view

Emails are displayed with a white or orange background:

-Orange: are the unanalysed emails that will come at the time of the next report. Mail Monitor performs the match between incoming mail and the rules of the configured job, only during the reporting phase;
-White: are the emails already analyzed but for some reason discarded or not included in the report (eg Miscofigured Job, Incorrect times, Incorrect Timezone, incorrect Job Type, incorrect subject # troubleshooting #)

In the INBOX folder they will always be orange (because they are not parsed yet).

Check email arrives at Mail Monitor

If you are configuring a Job and want to verify if Mail Monitor correctly receives the Mail or you want to check if the Mail Job has arrived, you can use Backup Manager.

Go to Backup Manager in the "Mail Monitor" - "Mail" section, see the "Inbox" and "Preprocessed" section in search of the mail you just sent (typically in Inbox).

Interpretation of the daily report

When a daily report arrives I want to analyze the jobs with problems:

Failed: failed jobs with problems but correctly acknowledged. Other case is for hourly jobs with the last one has certainly failed;
Missing: expected jobs during the reporting time, whether they haven't arrived or are not recognized;
Warning: completed jobs with warning. This status is provided by the software manufacturer in the email log. Other case there are hourly jobs frequency arrived some correct some failed, but the last surely correct.
Waiting: jobs with repeat different from daily. These are weekly, monthly or every xx days. Mail Monitor is waiting this jobs;
Failing / Missing: jobs with the last state Failed or not in daily scheduling (frequency different from daily);
Successfully: correct jobs.

The email has arrived at Mail Monitor but is not recognized

For a correct troubleshooting we only evaluate the jobs in the missing state.
The state of missing occurs when:

- a scheduled job doesn't  arrive to the collector mail (typically the sender has not sent emails, changed smtp settings, etc ...);
- a scheduled job is not correctly recognized. The configured Job and the email do not match correctly.

To get the correct troubleshooting, the mails are analyzed AFTER the creation of daily reports and are  with the white background.
You will find them in the Discarded and Preprocessed folders.
If you find mails in Preprocessed it's a valid job but with scheduling problems.

We have implemented a tool that shows the fundamental fields of the email and how Mail Monitor expects to have them.
By clicking on the right button "Match configured Job".
The window is composed of two panels:

- right is related to the analyzed email, it contains what MailMonitor has managed to derive from the processing of the email: type of backup, start time, end time, device name, job name ....;
- left any Job profiled on MailMonitor, with the registered configuration. The parts highlighted in red are the probable cause of analization failure. The window has a checkbox labeled "Nightly". You can test the result with the flag set.

If MailMonitor could not recognize email, the problem could be in the configuration of the job or in the parameterization of the backup software that generated the email (ex: wrong subject, wrong language).
To check you can manually select the Job from the top ComboBox, as usual BackupManager will send to MailMonitor and in red it will show the differences to be aligned in order for the job to be correctly recognized.

Some of the check if job is missing but arrives: timezone check, date format, scheduling time, if a job starts before the scheduling, it is not analyzed, the nightly, subject.